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Friday, 30 October 2009

Today, a boy came up to me asking if I wanted to buy finger puppets. At first I said no, but then i saw that he had Spiderman and Sponge Bob puppets. Guess who's having a deep conversation with her fingers this afternoon. MLIA
Today, while submitting a story to MLIA, i noticed the confirming words you have to type at the end read "tasted his". I have never been so curious in my life. MLIA
Today, while sitting in the main plaza of the city me and my friend made a sign that said "NO GRACIAS". All the salespeople who came up to us saw the sign, laughed and went away. Success. MLIA

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Today, I had eye surgery. They took one eye at the time, and waiting for the next one was painful and boring until I realized I could pretend to be a pirate. Waiting has never been so fun. MLIA

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Today, I really craved hot chocolate. So I got hot chocolate. It was awesome. MLIA

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Today, the topic at the journalism students' lunch table was who is better out of MLIA and FML. I think I chose the right thing to study. MLIA
Today was my first day at work in an all girls orphanage. When I said my name was Johanna one of the girls gasped and said; You're Johanna Montana! Totally my new nickname. MLIA

Monday, 26 October 2009

Today, I saw an MLIA with 599 votes. I clicked it even though it wasn't that funny, only to be number 600. MLIA
Today, while walking around some Inka ruins a peruvian lady came up to me and asked if she could take a picture of me and her 10 years old son together. Of course I said yes to this weird request and suddenly I have a line of 20 kids and their parents wanting to take their picture with me. The fact that they found me more interesting then the almost 1000 years old Inka ruins still confuses me. MLIA
Yesterday, while in the center with my friend and the guy she's dating, my friend said she had to go to the supermarked to buy feminine stuff. I waited outside with her guy when he suddenly leaned in and said knowingly; I bet she's buying chocolate. I love boys. MLIA

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Today, I was lying in bed when I heard some noises from downstairs. I opened my eyes to try and hear it better. I still don't know why I did that. MLIA

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Today, I spent the last money in my wallet on chocolate pancakes with ice cream. No regrets whatsoever. MLIA

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Today, we had fish for dinner, and my ten year old brother started telling us about how cod is in danger of being extinct. He elaborated on this referring to his last year science book, and ended the speech with "That's why I don't eat cod". We let him skip the fish for his cleverness. I wish I was that smart when I was younger. MLIA

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Today, I turned the heat down while frying an egg as I had learned the day before. But then it didn't fry so i turned the heat up again. MLIA
Today, I e-mailed a professor at a university to get some information for a news article I'm writing for journalism school. He sent me an essay in german. That's a bummer. MLIA
Today, I discovered that the iron pills I take every day are called Ferro-retard. I laughed. Then I laughed again because I remembered the MLIA about the irony with the ironing board being that irony has the word iron in it. I need a life. MLIA
Today I ate two packs of Oreos. I'm not american. MLIA

Monday, 19 October 2009

Today, I had sushi. I'm not Japanese. MLIA

Friday, 16 October 2009

Today, I started unpacking the kitchen table I bought yesterday. It contained bubble wrap. It took me all my efforts to wait to roll, stamp and sit on it to after I had put up the table. Worth it. MLIA
Yesterday, I bought a Hannah Montana lunch box. When I showed it to my brother this morning, he looked at me with his eyebrow raised, rolled his eyes and said: "Seriously...". He's 10, i'm 19. MLIA
Today, I was looking for presents for my friend Alex's birthday. I went to a lot of stores only to end up in the children's section in a book store. I bought him a book called Makka Pakka: Let's wash faces. It is basically about some creepy doll going around washing his friends with a sponge. I think he will be happy. MLIA
Today, I found out that in the city I live in there's one single factory. Guess what this factory produces? Beer! I love Cuzco. MLIA

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Today, at work I noticed my sweater was inside-out. 2 seconds ago I read that my friend had the same experience at school today. I feel like we're connecting on a whole new level. MLIA

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Today, I put my sweater on the wrong way. A girl in my class noticed. I didn't do anything about it. MLIA
Today I slept till 1 pm. I'm still tired. Now I'm surprised. MLIA

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Today, I was really tired and planned on going home when we finished class at 11.30 am. Then someone asked me to join them for beer in the student restaurant. I stayed. MLIA
Today, I was too lazy to take a shower so I wore a headband so no one would notice my hair was dirty. I'm thinking about doing the same thing tomorrow. MLIA

Monday, 12 October 2009

Today, I checked off all the things on my to-do list. I feel accomplished. MLIA
Today, I got home at 6.30 am and went straight to bed. When I had to wake up three hours later I was really tired. I'm not surprised. MLIA

Friday, 9 October 2009

Today I had spanish lesson for four hours. During the time me and my teacher went to the market, sat in a café, made a drawing of Europe and talked about music and movies we like in english. Well spent spanish lesson. MLIA

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Today I was playing with the kids in the kindergarden where I work, and one of the kids pretended to be a dinosaur. Awesome kid. MLIA
Yesterday it was my birthday and I got the best birthday gift ever; a MLIA post that said happy birthday. MLIA

Today, I got my new credit card in the mail. It has my picture on the front wearing a pirate eye patch, gold earring and a princess tiara, rawring to the camera like a dinosaur. I can't wait to spend money now. MLIA

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Today is my friends birthday and i want to give her the best present ever. Here it is: HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRETHE! MLIA

Monday, 5 October 2009

Today, I bought pear juice. As I've never tasted it before, I was super excited as to how it would taste. It tasted like pear. I still don't understand why I didn't see that coming. MLIA

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Today, my boyfriend came to see me at the café where I'm working. Not only did he bring 3 of his best friends, but it turned out they had bought matching suits and raybans in green, purple, red and yellow. Everybody in the café was amazed and were laughing of them sipping their tea. And I got tipped three times more than usual because I told everyone the green one was my boyfriend. MLIA

Friday, 2 October 2009

Last night, I found out that if you get really drunk, it's hard to tell which house you live in. I also discovered that if you loose your wallet, but give the taxi driver your phone instead, he'll let you pay him the day after. MLIA
Today, it was really cold outside so I put a jacket on. It was still cold. MLIA
